European Availabilities
April 2008 Hello TREE LAWN ARTISTS, INC. is proud to announce that guitarist/bandleader BRAD SHEPIK has joined our roster for all international bookings. Brad is the quintessential post-modern musician and his latest album, PLACES YOU GO (Songlines 2007), is amazing evidence of that. Utilizing organist Gary Versace and drummer Tom Rainey, this trio is hitting the road in April 2008 and will be doing select dates in Europe during that time. THE BRAD SHEPIK TRIO is available for dates from April 1-15, 2008. Please contact Nate Horney if you are interested in adding this incredible group to your Spring program. Download the printable BRAD SHEPIK One Sheet [HERE!
:::Katrine Bartram:::
Invitaion from Søren Dalgaard…
Tom Sandford @ faurschou
Opening @ Tom Christoffersen
22. juni ˆ 28. juli
Fernisering den 22. juni 2007 kl. 17-20
Galleri Tom Christoffersen præsenterer udstillingen INTO CONCRETE med værker af Franciska Clausen, Ib Geertsen, Torben Ribe og Christian Vind.
Der vises ingen nye værker på udstillingen, og den ene kunstner lever ikke længere. Spørgsmål om tradition og afstand i tid er derfor ikke til at komme udenom, når værker fra første halvdel af det 20. århundrede sammenstilles med modernitets kommenterende praksis fra starten af det 21. århundrede.
Ib Geertsen viser konkret maleri fra 1948-58 ligesom et udvalg af Franciska Clausen papirarbejder fra 1925-31 udstilles side om side med enkelte af Torben Ribes og Christian Vinds traditionsrelaterede værker fra 2005-07.
I dette eksklusive møde mellem to af modernismens frontfigurer og to af samtidskunstens vidende rebeller respekteres og udfordres balancen mellem en linie, en farve og en flade.
Franciska Clausen (1899-1986) praktiserede i mange år sit kunstneriske virke internatonalt og blev bl.a. undervist af enkelte af det 20. århundredes centrale avantgarde kunstnere: Laszlo Moholy-Nagy og Fernand Légers. I 1929 blev Clausen medlem af den internationale gruppe Cercle et Carré.
Ib Geertsen (1919) er repræsenteret ved Galleri Tom Christoffersen. I 1947 var han medstifter af Linien II. Geertsens værker indgår i museale samlinger som Statens Museum for Kunst og ARoS-Aarhus Kunstmuseum. Ib Geertsen har modtaget Thorvaldsen Medaillen (1991) Eckersberg Medaillen (1978).
Torben Ribe (1973) er repræsenteret ved bendixen contemporary art. Værket Resurrection – Night of the Ghouls, der indgår i INTO CONCRETE, blev for nyligt vist på Voltashow03, Basel (Schweiz) 2007.
Christain Vind (1969) er repræsenteret ved Galleri Tom Christoffersen. Af kommende soloudstillinger kan nævnes Silkeborg Kunstmuseum/Gl. Holtegaard (2008) og Galleri Tom Christoffersen (2008). Christian Vind har udgivet bøgerne Hvidpapirfeber (2004) og Bøf er Stegt (2005) på sit eget forlag HVIDPAPIRFEBER. Bøgerne er dele af en trilogi.
Skindergade 5 DK-1159 København K
Tlf. +45 33917610 / +45 26377210
Visit by:
„Hermitage Heritage“ – Painting / Video / Installation
June 26th through August 18th, 2007
Opening reception: Tue, June 26th 2007 at 7.30 p.m.
Julia Oschatz’ work lately was extensively presented in several solo shows in Germany like, among others, the Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr, the Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg and Städtische Galerie Delmenhorst, at the Institute for Modern Art in Nuremberg as well as in the supporting program of Documenta XII in the exhibition „Vision | Audition“ in the Martinskirche in Kassel.
For those who have observed Julia Oschatz’ work already for some time the Wesen (being) she created – a hybrid creature between human and animal – may feel like an old friend, they again and again have accompanied on its many travels and have felt invited or even painfully forced to share its adventures and experiments on itself.
The Wesen moves on apparently well-known terrain. Images of landscape, no matter if it is homeland woods or arctic ice landscapes, are medially appropriated common knowledge and often only require the implementation of certain characteristics to be recognised as one of the landscapes in the paintings by Caspar David Friedrich. The Wesen seems by all means to be aware of the arbitrariness of the image topoi it walks into in the course of its travels; falling into one image frame, it falls out of it again just the next moment to then find itself opposed to a rocky sheer, instantly quaffing off it. Julia Oschatz’ Wesen develops to an anti-hero which seems to remember us, but likewise itself, again and again anew in a self-ironic way of the fact that an often longwinded and sometimes painful way has to be covered to flee from traditional conceptions.
Julia Oschatz develops in her works – either video or painting – no narrative structures; her paintings often remain apparitional, the choice of colours is non-specifically subdued, the techniques are mixed according to her requirements. The artist also takes literally the characterisation of video as “moving image”: Likewise the painting also the short video animations are addicted to the two-dimensional and like the painting also the moving images are focussed on capturing one ephemeral moment among many others without concentrating too much on the single image. The narration which also in the video works is mostly constricted to one slapstick-like punch line develops at most in the image sequence, in the perception of a multitude of single images in a row. Therefore the Petersburg hanging style and the combination of painting and monitors on one and the same wall are just the logical consequence of the artists’ decision not to look for the truth in the single work but in the work’s context as a whole. Concurrently the spectator is invited, mostly by cave-like landscape out of cardboard, to immerse into the image cosmos and to, together with the Wesen, start his own journey.
In the exhibition “Hermitage Heritage” Julia Oschatz will transform the gallery spaces into an adventure space from which the Wesen starts into new worlds out of paintings, installation and video works. In a cave landscape out of cardboard boxes built into our video space will be presented the 8 video loops of the work “NOTATALL”. In the gallery space will be shown paintings as well as video projections.
Tasja Langenbach
Messen / fairs:
ART FORUM Berlin, 29.09.-03.10.2007
PULSE London, 11.10.-14.10.2007
Galerie | Anita Beckers | Frankfurt
Frankenallee 74
D-60327 Frankfurt / Main
Tel (0)69-73 9009 67
Fax (0)69-73 9009 68
Benny Dröscher’s Lurking for Transcendental Moments closes on 19.06.2007 with a late night viewing till 20.00
Line Rosenvinge writes “In the work of Benny Dröscher expect to find UFOs, flying birch trees, moonlit lakes, birdies with halos, a casual pencil doodle or the odd coffee stain. Look again, and expect to be lured in… the artist trained as a sculptor in Denmark. Sculptures included in the show are perfect, like pop icons of waterfalls, quirky fires with real gold or sophisticated assemblages of fur, glitter and stripped tree branches. For years, the artist was happy to call his works on paper “a goofy picture of a magic moment”. And goofy magic it is to this day!”
Look out for Dröscher’s Manifesto commission in next month’s Art Review and a feature by Martin Herbert in Modern Painters.
Opening on 27.06.2007 is LA based painter, Allison Schulnik’s first solo exhibition in the UK.
Within thickly sculpted oil paint Allison Schulnik presents moments that mix historical fact with blatant fiction.
Schulnik received her BFA in Experimental Animation at the California Institute of Arts in 2000. Her paintings have been exhibited internationally at venues including Black Dragon Society, Los Angeles, Bellwether Gallery, New York, Groeflin Maag Galerie, Basel, the Dallas Museum of Art, the Santa Monica Museum of Art and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
Please join us for the private view 26.06.2007 between 18.30 – 20.30.