Corner at Charlottenborg!

A beautiful new picture from Michael Kvium, you can see it at Charlottenborg where CORNER (Danish art amalgamation)is making an exhibition. I was very disappointed over there choice’s of artists, the only one there was something worth was of course Michael Kvium.

Elsebeht Jørgensen

Elsebeth Jørgensen, very interested visual danish artist.

Born 1970 Ringkøbing – Denmark
Education 1995-2000 The royal Academy of fine Arts, Copenhagen DK

She is making beautiful photographs & documentations. Unfortunately she doesn’t have a gallery jet, but you can bye her works on:

  • And if you wanna now more about her and her works see:

  • Mapping Memory
  • Laurina Paperina >< KISS & Wrestling

    Just found a beautilful Laurina Paperina drawing with of one of my absolut favorit rockbands: KISS

    See much more on:

  • KISS
  • And look a that one…. Wrestling,- yyhhaaa!!!

    The “E-Team”

    and…….after 3 very nice paintings on paper,- I just wanna show you the “Wonderwoman” painted on wood….

    See some of her many works on her personal homepage

  • Laurina Paperina
  • Silent Eye – New works from Kvium

    Michael Kvium installs new works built especially to
    architect Zaha Hadids new part Ordrupgaard.
    Display at Ordrupgaard 19. january to 15. july 2007

    Michael Kvium: Lunch II, 2006

    Michael Kvium plays by our relationships to the nature
    and our rewriting from of that.
    He is adopted to the relations between what it is we notices,
    and what it is vi think vi notices.

    No people!
    Trees , goats, the sky and landcapes is Kviums new justify.
    “When I eliminated the humanfigur from my paintings in this show,
    is it because I want us to look at ourselves instead of looking at the humans of the works” Michael said.

    Michael Kvium: Where The Hell is God, 2006

    Michael Kvium: Random Piece I, 2006.

    Michael Kvium: Reality View, 2006.

    Michael Kvium: November, 2006.

    Michael Kvium: Dusk Eye II, 2006

  • Gallery Franz Pedersen
  • Ordrupgaard
  • Mail from Aaron J….

    Hi J-P
    Here’s pictures of the big crazy painting you saw in progress in my studio, the final fateful moment when I peel the plastic away . . . hope you dig it.

    These photos plus many more plus writings by critics and statements about my process and my insanity are all coming to Denmark soon!

    Just like New York…

    Peter Lav PHOTO GALLERY is now moving to Valby,- they are now 6 gallery in one house….Fantastic!!
    More of that, and we are soon going to be just like New York….

  • Peter Lav Gallery
  • Next Exibishion:
    Susanna Hesselbergs is showing “PHOTOGRAPHY”
    11 januar 17.00-20.00,-
    on the new adress:

    Carl Jacobsens Vej 16, indg. 6, 3 sal
    2500 Valby
    (+45) 28 80 23 98

    Lars H.U.G.

    To day i went to see one of my old idol (the artist & musician) Lars H.U.G.
    I like his drawings alot.

  • Lars H.U.G.