Arndt & Partner Zurich

Dear Friends of the Gallery,

Arndt & Partner Zurich are delighted to announce the opening of the group show Remixed & Revisited: New Visions on China on Thursday, 11 January 2007 from 6 to 8pm.

This exhibition includes contemporary artists from the People’s Republic of China and will be on view until 10 March 2007. The participating artists Zeng Hao, Shi Xinning, He Sen, Yang Jinsong, Shi Jinsong, Liu Fei , Xu Yihui and Wei Dong will be present.

Shi Jinsong, Hallong Kelong, 2006, framed c-print, 87,6 x 48 cm / 34.49 x 18.9 inch

We are looking forward to welcoming you and your friends to the opening.

Opening Hours
Tuesday to Friday 2 – 6pm
Saturday 11am – 4pm

Lessingstrasse 5
CH-8002 Zurich
Phone +41 (43) 817 67 80/81
Fax +41 (43) 817 67 82

  • Arndt & Partner
  • ,


    Thomas Allen Opening
    Thursday, January 11, from 6 – 8

    Michael Foley

    547 W 27th Street, 5th floor
    New York, NY 10001

  • FOLEY gallery
  • Invitation


    Backroom: Anne Sofie Bird Møller

    12. januar – 10. febuary 2007
    Opening: 12. januar 2007 kl. 17.00 – 20.00pm

    Skindergade 5 • DK-1159 København K
    Tlf. +45 33917610 / +45 26377210

  • Gallery Tom Christoffersen
  • Roberts & Tilton, Los Angeles

    Wendell Gladstone at Roberts & Tilton, Los Angeles

    January 6 – February 3, 2007. Opening reception Saturday, January 6th, 6 – 8pm.

    Roberts & Tilton is pleased to announce a solo exhibition of new paintings by Los Angeles based artist Wendell Gladstone. Wendell Gladstone has routinely explored connections between painting and sculpture. In his latest body of work, however, he pares down his practice to a single two- dimensional plane. What was once a dialogue between two disparate mediums, is now a conversation between differing modes of painting. Synthetic constructs and hard edge painting with nods to Pointillism and Cubism coexist and interact. All of these elements are woven into a complex narrative that revolves around a group of NeoLuddites and their elaborate rituals.

    A fully illustrated catalogue published by Roberts & Tilton, Kravets/Wehby and Artspace Witzenhausen with essay by Franklin Sirmans is available.

    Berry McGee

    Loft Installation in Project Room – extended to February 3, 2007

    Roberts & Tilton is pleased to present the site- specific loft installation by San Francisco based artist Barry McGee.

    McGee takes over the project space, transforming the room’s physical relationship with the visitor into an interactive viewing. A distinctive cluster of McGee’s various paintings, works on paper and urban objects can be accessed by ascending through the floor of the utilitarian structure to the lofted space above.

    Working on the streets of San Francisco and signing his works with the tag, “Twist,” Barry McGee is considered to be one of the leading artistic figures in California youth subculture. The artist draws his force and inspiration from the contrast and tension that exists between the city center and the suburbs, between the wealthy districts and the slums. His visual language is at the same time eclectic, ephemeral, radical and above all heavily influenced by the daily realities of the city. McGee’s complex installations convey a sense of vitality and chaos, juxtaposed with a precarious nature and sense of alienation. Large scale wall murals, clusters of small framed drawings and snapshots, various tools and other street detritus make their way into his installations in an almost symphonic fashion. Intricate paintings are executed then rolled over with latex paint, echoing the “buffs” that cover graffiti in urban areas. Clusters of glass bottles hang in a corner with painted portraits of characters of the night. In recent years, McGee has exhibited his works internationally to great acclaim.

    Upcoming at Roberts & Tilton

    Thomas Kiesewetter

    New Sculpture and Works on Paper

    March 17 – April 14, 2007

    Thomas Kiesewetter’s sculptures are abstract, but with the gait and torque of bodies in motion. While they continue the artist’s interest in assembling forms, here he has made them out of cardboard, which were then cast in bronze. As in his previous work in sheet metal, the pieces in this exhibition show the evidence of improvisational construction, resulting from folding, bending, and riveting cardboard. In bronze, Kiesewetter’s forms gain a new sense of volume, while keeping their lively color, achieved now through both traditional patinas and those mixed with pigments, including blue, green, and white.

    Kiesewetter’s work features forms related to industry, construction, and the urban environment. At the same time, they have the animated angularity of animal and human movement. These are abstract forms that through their physicality and humor encourage an imaginative response. The sculptures in the exhibition, which have been produced in editions of three, bear a direct relation to the history of modernist sculpture, especially Cubist assemblages and Constructivist forms, and the work of Tatilin. In an ArtForum review, Nell McClister noted that like him, “…Kiesewetter humanizes the industrial while maintaining emphasis on the…nature of industry, and offers [an] updated model of the possibilities for a twenty-first century urban humanity under construction.”

  • Roberts & Tilton 6150 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90048, T 323.549.0223 F 323.549.0224


    DUNK,- Has new location on Valby,- they are now on Værkstedsvej 6, 2.floor!


    Traneudsttillingen showes new paintings from
    Jonas Hvid Søndergaard
    13/1 – 11/2 2007

    Opening 13/1 14-16pm.

    Gentofte Hovedbibliotek
    Ahlmanns Allé 6
    2900 Hellerup
    Monday – Freiday, 10.00 – 19.00
    Satterday and Sunday 11.00 – 16.00

  • More About Jonas Hvid

    “ego states”

    January 12 – February 24 2007

    Opening reception
    January 11, from 5 – 8

    Jutta Scheiner (de)
    Emil Salto (dk)
    Moritz Schleime (de)
    Ismar Cirkinagic (bih)
    Jens Thegler (dk)

    In the basment video by
    Rasmus Bro (dk)

    DK – 2500 VALBY
    T: +45 33319230
    M:+45 29914657

    Tue – fri: 12-17 sat 12 – 15