Wiliam Cordova@Arndt & Partner Berlin

Dear Friends of the Gallery,We are delighted to announce the beginning of our collaboration with William Cordova and the opening of his first solo exhibition Pálante at Arndt & Partner Berlin. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your friends to the opening on Saturday, 28 Oktober 2006 from 6 to 8 pm.We are looking forward to your visit!With best regards,

New works from Lordan Bunch@Schroeder Romero

Lordan BunchLast Picture no. 7, 2006oil on canvas20 x 16 inches

20 – November 25, 2006Opening Reception: Friday, October 20, 6-8pm
Schroeder Romero is pleased to announce Proof of Mary a solo exhibition of new work by Lordan Bunch. Proof of Mary consists of three complementary suites of new paintings. This is his second solo exhibition with the gallery. Two bodies of work, one titled Last Pictures and the other titled Markers are comprised of images of women the artist found on gravestones in two different cemeteries near his home in Los Angeles. Bunch became intrigued by the photographs that families chose to decorate headstones and vaults of their loved ones. These oval images or photo ceramics/memorial photos can be found in cemeteries throughout the Western world and come from an Eastern European tradition. Fascinated by the memorialization of life during death, Bunch, in the series Markers, has painted small-scale portraits directly onto Ouija boards. The Ouija board is often used to try to make contact with the dead and the oval-shaped portrait is painted in the center of the game board where the players’ hands typically begin the game. The scale and palette of the painting is true to that of the original source image – painting in grisaille from a black and white photograph and a using a full palette from a color photograph. Last Pictures is made up of oil paintings on canvas that are painted so realistically that they resemble the memorial photos themselves except that the scale of the paintings are life size – much larger than the original source material. The artist is attracted to the awkwardness and formal beauty of these found images. Some faces have peculiar expressions, some women are in their wedding gowns, and one is depicted in her nurse uniform, all are depicted in their prime. Bunch draws out the existence of the individual but retains the mystery of the original source. A third body of work will be presented in the small gallery. 01-03 is Bunch’s effort to create a portrait from a postage stamp-sized source photo taken from a medical textbook published in 1910 depicting women with syphilis. The suite of canvases were selected from the eleven attempts the artist has created over the last four years.Bunch has had numerous solo exhibitions and recent group exhibitions include Yet Another Reality at the Contemporary Art Galleries at the University of Connecticut and Photography on Painting/Painting on Photography at the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago.

NEW YORK, NY 10001(212) 630-0722 F (212) 6300716

BACKLIGHTS/Helene Nyborg Thursday 26 th october

Video still from?Buzz,?2006 by Jesper Carlsen

Tuesday – Friday, 12 – 17
Saturday 12 – 15
and by appointment
Carl Jacobsens Vej 16 entrance 6, 2nd floor
DK-2500 Valby
Tel. + 45 36 45 23 07
Fax + 45 36 45 23 03

More thursday in Valby

“i skumringen”
Kristina Ask, Lone Bank, Ursula Reuter Christiansen, Trine Søndergaard,
J.H. Engström, Thorgej Steen Hansen, Astrid Kruse Jensen, Sabina Mlejnek,
Tomas Lagermand Lundme, Jonas Liveröd, Viktor Storjord, Morten Nilsson,
Lars Rank, Husk Mit Navn, Knud Odde, Cai Ulrich von Platen, Tanja Rau,
Nina Strand, Trung Ky-Danh Vo and Mette Winkelmann.

opening reception october 26th 2006, 5 – 8 pm

october 27th > november 25th 2006

curated by Tomas Lagermand Lundme

LARMgalleri / Carl Jacobsensvej 16,
entrance 13 / DK-2500 Valby
#: +45 29914657
tuesday – friday 12 – 5pm
saturday 12 – 3pm


Invitation til åbning af fotoudstillingen CITYBORDERLANDSFernisering og fest torsdag d. 26. oktober kl. 17-02 på Frederiks Bastion, Refshalevej 80.
Claus Høxbroe & Jesper Van åbner med spoken word / Karen Bach Trio spiller jazz / DJ MINTS / DJ KONRAD

Udstillingen viser fotografiske værker og video af 28 nordiske billedkunstnere og er blevet til i et samarbejde mellem fotografnetværket SHOK, Norden i Fokus og en række inviterede fotografer. Der vil være en lille snack og et glas til ferniseringen, men husk mønter til baren senere på aftenen. Projektet er støttet af: Nordisk Kulturfond, Toyota-fonden, den Letterstedska Föreningen og Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg.

DEAR RAIN DROP@galleriloyal

DEARRAINDROP”Concrete Trees, Glass Grass, and Cream-filled Stones”GALLERI LOYALOctober 20 – November 25, 2006Opening Reception with the Artists: Friday, October 20, 6:00–9:00 pmAt the opening the legendary Swedish band TRÄD, GRÄS OCH STENAR plays live!Opening on October 20, 2006, Galleri Loyal is pleased to present a solo exhibition of new work by DEARRAINDROP. DEARRAINDROP is made up of visual artists Joe Grillo, Laura Grant, and Billy Grant from Virginia Beach, VA. This beach party town and U.S. vacation destination is a plastic day glo city with a visual bombardment of theme parks and souvenir shops. DEARRAINDROP takes it all into their studio (aka the “collage garage” in their suburban home) along their overflowing fountain of creativity and “fluorescent futurist” perspective. The current result is their exhibition for Galleri Loyal entitled “Concrete Trees, Glass Grass, and Cream-filled Stones.” (Betongträd, Glasgräs och Gräddfyllda Stenar)The exhibition will include large-scale paintings, drawings and collage as well as a number of major interactive works. DEARRAINDROP’s multimedia artists Owen Osborn and Chris Kucinski use a combination of custom and everyday electronics in their work. “The idea is to make everything feed on everything else, having all elements interact with each other to create an inseparable whole,” explains Chris Kucinski.”Video Synthesizer” creates moving images from sound, and “Color-Sensing Wheels” create sound from moving images. DEARRAINDROP will also introduce the “Guitari” a custom electronic musical instrument that is part guitar part Atari. Visitors get in on the fun and uncover what is inside. At the same time childlike and sinister, Dearraindrop manifests a culmination of modern western and specifically American pop culture. These young artists help us to find a focus in the cacophony. Dearraindrop’s artwork is in itself a collage of time and space from ’60’s psychedelia, ’70’s utopianism and ’80’s and ’90’s plastic consumer culture. A post-pop cartoon surrealism emerges from this soup. As far as influences, Dearraindrop credits Andy Warhol, Pedro Bell, Viking Eggeling, Kenny Scharf, Adolf Wölfli as well as Atari, Nintendo, Ken Kesey, and Captain Crunch.Having an aversion to the stiff, insincere aspects of the art world, Dearraindrop is part of a continually developing and emerging movement among this generation of artists. Dearraindrop is a thoughtful, sincere shower of information synthesized by these artists and dropped into your head.Welcome Friday!/LoyalGALLERI LOYALTorsgatan 59 113 37 StockholmSwedent +46 (0)8 32 44 91 m +46 (0)733 229 289 galleri@galleriloyal.com http://www.galleriloyal.com/